Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Yeeew, good old eBay(prays, please don't fail) but yeah, bought it so i could play castle crashers and since my birthdays coming up maybe get a game lol yes I'm as poor as they come for the moment and my backpocket and uni fund just got a punch in the kidneys, so I'm hoping its worth it, i only payed 350 for a 20GB HDD xbox360 with 1 controller, which seemed like a pretty good deal after spending the whole day hunting them down =). turns out you can't just purchase the xbox360 arcade console and play online , you need a hard drive and a gold membership as well, and the RRP is about 500bucks in Australia ATM, so yeah kinda got the better one for the price of the cheaper one so I'm happy, hope it gets here soon and in one piece and hopefully fully functional haha or is that too much to ask from something over eBay?

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